Our goal is to increase charitable assets while preserving capital. We work with donors to select investment options that are appropriate for their grantmaking objectives.
Our staff experts are guided by dedicated, seasoned investment professionals who volunteer countless hours as members of our Investment Committee.
Community Funds, Inc., & The New York Community Trust
We consist of two entities: Community Funds, Inc., a New York State not-for-profit corporation, and The New York Community Trust, an unincorporated association of charitable trusts. The two share a board and staff and operate as one. However, their investment vehicles are different. Donors who establish funds in the corporation have a choice of four investment vehicles (listed in order of increasing equity exposure).

Investment choices within Community Funds, Inc.
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1. Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund
For donors who anticipate substantial payouts in the near term. The money market fund may also be combined with other vehicles to create liquidity.

2. Income Fund
For donors who seek a mix of bonds and equities that generates current income. The underlying investment is the Vanguard LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund which invests in a combination of fixed-income and equity funds.

3. Community Funds Investment Pool
Suitable for donors with a longer-term orientation. The pool aims to produce a return which provides for current grantmaking while also ensuring the ability to make future grants. Up to 17% of the pool may be allocated to private investments. This is the most illiquid investment vehicle offered to donors. Transfers in and out of the pool occur only on the first business day of each month.

4. Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund
For donors who seek socially screened investments. The fund tracks the FTSE U.S. Choice Index, a benchmark of large- and mid-capitalization stocks that are screened for social criteria such as workplace issues, environmental issues, product safety, human rights, and corporate responsibility. The index tends toward a growth orientation.