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Donor Biography

Warren S. Jampol and Florence L. Bacon Jampol

A lucrative career in real estate turned into funds at The Trust for medical schools.

Warren S. Jampol (1908-2005)

Florence L. Bacon Jampol (1912-1997)

As a college freshman, Warren Jampol “was the very personification . . . of shyness and reticence,” his friends on the yearbook staff of Lehigh University wrote in 1933, his senior year. But that quickly changed, they noted, describing him as “the suave man-about-town.”

The yearbook staffers gleefully recounted an incident that had become part of Lehigh lore. A phrenologist—someone who claims to read your character from the shape of your skull—had set up shop in a campus dorm room hazy with blue smoke when “Jamp” stumbled in. The man, who had been assiduously massaging a student’s scalp, exclaimed: “That man’s a money-lopper!” pointing at Jamp. Exactly what he meant, Jamp’s friends couldn’t be sure, but they interpreted it to mean: “He’s slated to do big things in the world of finance.”

A steth rests on an open medical book in a classroom with a whiteboard behind it.
Grants from Warren S. Jampol and Florence L. Bacon Jampol’s fund have been awarded to several medical schools.

Warren Sidney Jampol was born May 23, 1908, in New Rochelle to Louis and Dora Jampol, who had immigrated from Austria. After graduating from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Warren moved back to New York and was licensed as both a commercial real estate broker and an insurance broker.

On January 22, 1956, he married Florence Lola Bacon in Arlington, Virginia. Florence was born March 26, 1912, in Dayton, Ohio, to Joel and Lola Bacon. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati and was working at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton when she and Warren met. Before that, she had been with the Bureau of Yards and Docks in Washington, D.C., a branch of the U.S. Navy responsible for building and maintaining shipyards and drydocks.

Over the next three decades they lived in Bronxville and New Rochelle in Westchester, Southampton and East Hampton on Long Island, and in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Florence Jampol died on January 26, 1997, in Southampton. She was 84. Her husband died on July 27, 2005, at age 95.

Grants from their fund have been awarded to several medical schools.