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Press Release

Community Foundations Create National Climate Collaborative

A green roof in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, reduces the heat-island effect in urban areas, and prevents stormwater run-off and water pollution.

The Trust recently announced that it has joined with community foundations across the country to establish the Community Foundation Climate Collaborative.

The collective strength of community foundations holds vast potential to foster local solutions and build broad-based, grassroots support for action. Community foundations focus on our individual communities, but we have not yet been tapped to assist in the systematic distribution of national resources.   

Read our op-ed, published in The Well News, announcing this unprecedented partnership and our call to government and large philanthropic organizations to consider community foundations as keys to mobilizing community-based solutions. Together, we can work locally to make a difference globally.

This opinion piece was written by Amy Freitag, president of The New York Community Trust; Lisa Schroeder, president and CEO of the Pittsburgh Foundation; Javier Alberto Soto, president and CEO of The Denver Foundation; and Rhea Suh, president and CEO of the Marin Community Foundation.

Read the full piece on The Well News