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Our donors enjoy special events where they meet innovative nonprofits and build community with likeminded New Yorkers. From beekeeping on Governors Island and touring the New York Stem Cell Foundation to intimate lunches with our in-house experts, our events are a highlight of partnering with The Trust.



For Food. Forever. Farmland & Feeding Long Island

Development threatens Long Island’s 31,000 acres of farmland, while many of the Island’s residents don’t have enough food to feed…
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Two dancers rehearse in a sacred place. 


For the Arts. Forever. Anti-displacement and Keeping it Real in New York’s Neighborhoods

What can we do to keep Brooklyn … Brooklyn? Economic growth and market forces change neighborhoods, but the arts can…
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A young person prunes invasive vines from a tree in Harbor Island Park. 


For the Environment. Forever. Climate Change & Conservation

The impacts of climate change have become more apparent with each major storm that hits our shores. Join Amy Freitag,…
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Women’s Financial & Philanthropic Learning Series

The Trust offers a free event series that provides resources, knowledge, and expertise on financial matters of particular concern to women.

Two women mingle at an event. 
Professional advisors at a Trust event. Photo by Casey Kelbaugh