Make New York Healthier
With the generosity of Trust donors, we’ve fueled critical research, helped those most in need, and improved health policy. Together we can:
- Make the health system work better for everyone.
- Provide screenings, early intervention, and referrals for those in need.
- Test and pioneer new treatments for breast, eye, and bone cancers.
- Make New Yorkers healthier by ensuring access to parks and open space for exercise along with convenient sources of fresh, affordable produce.
- Address mental health and substance use.
- Advance biomedical research.
And much more …

Support your passions
Open a field-of-interest fund to support the causes you care about—with as little or as much advice as you’d like from our expert grantmaking staff.

Together We Can Make a Difference
Children & Teens
Health & Behavioral Health
Housing & Economic Opportunity
People with Disabilities
Older Adults
You Name the Cause


Strengthen the arts
The arts enrich every aspect of urban living. Together, we can create affordable spaces for artists, improve arts education, develop the talent of historically underrepresented artists, and diversify audiences across the region.
Children & Teens

Champion opportunity
Join us to build a brighter future for the next generation. Together we can support projects that advocate for better schools, improve literacy, increase access to high-quality childcare, and prepare young people to become engaged citizens.

Create a greener future
Our planet needs our protection. Together we can slow and adapt to climate change, improve our parks, reduce toxic exposure, and protect wildlife habitats.
Health & Behavioral Health

Make New York healthier
Patient-centered, equitable, and accessible health care benefits everyone. With the generosity of people like you, we can support innovation in medical research, strengthen health systems, and help New Yorkers get the care they need.

Stand up for justice and equity
With the generosity of people like you, we can work towards a more just and equitable society. Join us to protect civil liberties, increase access to legal support, and advance the rights of women, Black and Indigenous people, immigrants, people with disabilities, and others.

Support LGBTQ+ communities
Join us to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, illuminate and preserve LGBTQ+ history, and make health care, housing, and legal support available for LGBTQ+ communities.
Housing & Economic Opportunity

Create opportunity
Everyone deserves access to stable housing, ample and nutritious food, and rewarding work with equitable pay. With your partnership, we help nonprofits advocate for safe and affordable housing, reform food systems, and provide job training and other employment services.
People with Disabilities
Create a more accessible society
With the generosity of people like you, we support advocacy for more inclusive and accessible schools, workplaces, cultural attractions, and public transit, while providing resources and support to New Yorkers with disabilities.
Older Adults

Improve life for older adults
Together, we’re making New York a better place to grow old. With your partnership, we support training for home care workers, create opportunities for older adults to become leaders in their communities, and make it easier for New Yorkers to age at home.

Support civic engagement
Together, we’re strengthening our democracy and ensuring communities in our region have equal opportunities to make their voices heard and take part in the political process. We promote civic engagement and get out the vote, increase census participation, help nonprofit media keep communities well-informed, and more.
You Name the Cause

You tell us the issues important to you, and we'll help you address them
How would you like to make a difference locally? Let us know, and we’ll work with you to find the most effective ways to make a meaningful difference.